


Refund policies may vary by the country/region of your billing address. This article applies to Korea. For other countries/regions, please contact here for more support.
The remaining budget will be refunded after deducting a 5% cancellation fee. Please think carefully before requesting a refund.
Try reading a document on ad performance improvement. If you have any questions on ad management and performance, please contact us by going to the Marketing dashboard – ‘Help Center’– ‘Contact Us.
If you want to request a refund for an active campaign, you can do so 6 hours after deactivating it. You should also have your bank account number provided beforehand.

1. Fill out the Refund Request Form

Go to the Marketing dashboard > Refund and click the Refund Request Form.

2. Submit the form

Check if everything is correct: payment date, email address, requested refund amount and expected refund amount.
Note that promotional credit cannot be refunded.

3. Agree to final refund amount

Dable will review your refund request, it will take about 1 business day. You can get the results by email or go to ‘Refund’ – ‘Request Details’. You can always cancel the request anytime before the review is complete. Once your request is approved, you should agree to the final refund amount.

4. Issue amended tax invoice on agency commission

Dable will process the refund after issuing an amended invoice on the refund amount. Refunds will be made on every 15th or the last day of a month for requests approved 2 business days before the refunding date. If the refunding date falls on weekends or holidays, it will be processed the next day.
Go to the Marketing dashboard > Refund and click the Refund Request Form.